Press Releases

International Justice Day #WarAfterWar

Yesterday, 17th July marked International Justice Day which commemorates the historic adoption of the Rome Statute on 17 July 1998 by an overwhelming majority of the world’s countries.

Since then, the International Criminal Court (ICC) celebrated 15 years since opening its doors,  and has made significant progress in holding perpetrators of atrocities to account, placing international justice firmly on the international agenda.

However, global access to justice remains uneven. Many governments continue to deny the ICC jurisdiction where it is most needed. As such, the ICC must continue to evolve into the global court the world demands of it.

The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) now stands at 2,500 member organizations, ranging from community and grassroots groups in 150 countries to prominent international human rights NGOs, and NCICC is one of them.

On this important day, NCICC calls on its members and Nigerian citizens as a whole to continue to work for the protection of human rights at the national, regional and global levels through the ICC and Rome Statute system of international justice

International Justice Day is a reminder for all states committed to fair and impartial justice for victims of the worst crimes around the world: to urgently ensure continued support for the international justice system.


ICC marks its 15th Anniversary with Campaign to run…

On 1 July 2017, the International Criminal Court (ICC) marked its 15th anniversary. On this occasion, the ICC has invited all those interested to tell their stories about being 15, and how events in their youth shaped their sense of justice using the hashtag #whenIwas15. This online campaign aims to engage with a broad community of those for whom justice matters, celebrate achievements thus far, and look to the future to build a more just world.

Read more “ICC marks its 15th Anniversary with Campaign to run till 17 July”


29th AU Summit

28th June 2017

The 29th African Union (AU) summit holding in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia started this week and will end on the 4th of July 2014. Discussions at the Summit will no doubt consider the threat of terrorism and how member states, supported by the AU, can respond. In the Lake Chad Basin – now a major conflict zone – the battle against Boko Haram is progressing. Find out more about the deliberations at the Summit by visiting its website here.


Report on the Meeting of the ICC Prosecutor with…

During the Office of the ICC Prosecutor’s most recent official visit to Nigeria, NCICC assisted the OTP in organising a meeting with Civil Society Organisations on the 26th of May 2017. Members of NCICC were well represented at the meeting; a short report of the is contained below.


Date: May 26, 2017
Venue: Ogun/Nasarawa Hall, Transcorp Hilton, Maitama, Abuja.

The meeting was convened by Mr Claus Molitor from the Office of the Prosecutor to the ICC, organised by NCICC, and chaired by Mr Benson Olugbuo from CLEEN Foundation.

The meeting commenced at 10:00am with a welcome note and briefing by the prosecutor.

Read more “Report on the Meeting of the ICC Prosecutor with CSO’s in Nigeria”

Press Releases


Press Release, 26 June 2017

The Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court (“NCICC”) commemorates the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture today, 26th June 2017, which marks the day the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (“UN CAT”) came into effect in 1987. Since its passing, the UN CAT has been ratified by 162 countries including Nigeria; however torture persists both worldwide and within the country despite its absolute prohibition under international law.


Press Releases

NCICC calls for immediate arrest and surrender to ICC…

Press statement: release date: 15 July 2013

Nigeria Coalition on the International Criminal Court NCICC condemns the hosting of President Omar Al Bashir by the Nigeria government and calls for his immediate arrest and surrender to the trial chambers of the International Criminal Court in The Hague for atrocity crimes in Darfur for which he is charged. Failure of Nigeria to do so will be a brazen disregard of its international treaty obligation under Article 89 of the Rome Statute of the ICC which it has ratified since 2001. Such failure also undermines the pursuit of international justice, peace and security which are the objectives of the ICC.

Read more “NCICC calls for immediate arrest and surrender to ICC of President Al Bashir”

Press Releases

OTP Report on On-going Preliminary Examination of the situation…

Press statement: Release date 7th August 2013

Nigeria Coalition for the International Criminal Court (NCICC) commends the landmark report of the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on its on-going preliminary examination of the situation in North Eastern Nigeria.

Read more “OTP Report on On-going Preliminary Examination of the situation in Nigeria.”

Press Releases

NCICC Commends The ICC’s Decision To Prosecute War Crimes…

Release date: January 23, 2015

The Nigeria Coalition for the International Criminal Court heartily commends the recent decision of the International Criminal Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to prosecute any individual responsible for war crimes or crimes against humanity in Nigeria.

Read more “NCICC Commends The ICC’s Decision To Prosecute War Crimes And Crimes Against Humanity In Nigeria”

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