NCICC Commends Establishment of Judicial Commission for Probe of…
PRESS RELEASE, August 7 2017
On Friday, 3 August 2017, the Acting President, Yemi Osinbajo announced the establishment of a 7 man Judicial Commission headed by Justice Biobele A. Georgewill of the court of appeal, to review compliance of the Nigerian Armed forces with human rights obligations and rules of engagement, especially in local conflict and insurgency situations.
The Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court (NCICC) commends this move by the Federal Government, which will finally see to the impartial investigation of the Nigerian Military for alleged human rights violations, and any other alleged acts of international humanitarian and human rights law committed on Nigerian soil. This move is a step closer to Nigeria’s fulfilment of international obligations under international law, to not only prevent violations of atrocity crimes, but see to justice for victims across the country.
In recent years, NCICC has collated detailed information from thousands of these victims, who have suffered severe violations of human rights and serious abuses of humanitarian laws in North-Eastern Nigeria by the Military. We therefore stand by the government in its efforts and express our availability to work with the Judicial Commission to meet its targets. As always, NCICC urges the Federal Government to continue unwaveringly in this path to bring to justice all perpetrators of crimes under international law, and other serious violations of human rights in conflict situations in Nigeria.