Nigeria And The Fight Against Impunity


Books and book chapters

Alabi, D. “Religious Conflicts in Northern Nigeria: A Critical Analysis” in Joab-Peterside, S. & Ukiwo, U. (eds) The Travails and Challenges of Democracy in Nigeria , 1999 – 2003 and Beyond (2007) Port Harcourt: Centre for Advanced Social Sciences

Benzing, M.”‘The complementarity regime of the International Criminal Court: International criminal justice between states sovereignty and the fight against impunity” in von Bogdandy, A. and Wolfrum,R. (eds.), Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (2003) The Hague: Koninklijke Brill N.V

Bergsmo, M. Active Complementarity: Legal Information Transfer (2011) Oslo: Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher

Cryer, R., Friman, H., Robinson, D., and Wilmshurst, E., An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure(2007) New York: Cambridge University Press

du Plessis, M (ed.), African Guide to International Criminal Justice (2008) Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies

Olugbuo, B “Implementing the International Criminal Court Treaty in Africa: The Role of NGOs and Government Agencies in Constitutional Reform in Clarke, K and Goodale, M (eds.), Mirrors of Justice: Law and Power in the Post-Cold War Era(2010) New York: Cambridge University Press

Journal articles

Burke-White, W. “Implementing a policy of positive complementarity in the Rome system of justice” (2008) 19 Criminal Law Forum, 59

Newton, M. “‘The International Criminal Court Preparatory Commission: The way it

is and the way ahead’ (2000) 41 Virginia Journal of International Law 204

Odinkalu, C. “‘Back to the future: The imperative of prioritising for the protection of human rights in Africa” (2003) 47Journal of African Law 1

Onuoha, F. “The Islamist challenge: Nigeria’s Boko Haram crisis explained” (2010) 19 African Security Review, 54

Stahn, C. “Complementarity: A Tale of Two Notions” (2008) 19 Criminal Law Forum, 87

Yusuf, H. “Travails of Truth: Achieving Justice for Victims of Impunity in Nigeria” (2007) 1 International Journal of Transitional Justice 268


Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court

Geneva Conventions Act, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 (formerly Cap 162 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990)

Nigerian Constitution of 1999

Prevention of Terrorism Act 2011

Statute of the International Criminal Court

Uganda’s International Criminal Court Act 2010

List of cases

David Anyaele and Emmanuel Egbuna v. Charles Taylor, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Three OthersSuit No FHC/ABJ/M/216/04

Fawehinmi vs. Babangida (2003) Nigerian Weekly Law Report (PT 808) 604

Internet sources

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights “Nigeria – Decision on Communications” available online at (accessed 27 March 2013)

Andrew Walker “What Is Boko Haram?” United States Institute for Peace Special Report 308 available online at (accessed 13 February 2013)

Chiedozie, I. “JTF soldiers to face trial for rape, murder, torture” Punch Newspapers, 2 September 2012 and available online at (accessed 13 February 2013)

Fagbohunlu, B. “Challenging Charles Taylor’s Political Asylum in Nigeria” Human Rights and Justice Sector Reform in Africa available online at (accessed 27 March 2013)

Human Rights Violations Investigation Commission Report May, 2002 available online at (accessed 27 March 2013)

Human Rights Watch “Spiraling Violence: Boko Haram Attacks and Security Force Abuses in Nigeria” October 2012 and available online at (accessed 13 February2013)

International Criminal Court “Prosecutorial Strategy 2009 ‐ 2012” 1 February 2010 available online at (accessed 11 March 2013)

International Criminal Court “The Office of the Prosecutor: Report on Preliminary Examination activities” 13 December 2011 available online at (accessed 13 February 2013)

Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court “Communiqué issued at the stakeholders meeting on the International Criminal Court organized by the International Human Rights Law Group in collaboration with the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) and Baobab For Women’s Human Rights from 13th – 15th May, 2002 At Harmonia Hotel, Abuja” available online at (accessed 13 February 2013)

Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court “Nigerian Coalition for the ICC calls on Nigerian Government to Withdraw Al-Bashir’s Invitation to Abuja AU Meeting” 28 October 2009 available online at (accessed 27 March 2013)

Nigeria First “Text of President Yar’Adua’s Amnesty Proclamation” 25 June 2009 available online at (accessed 27 March 2013)

Nigerian Watch “Sultan of Sokoto requests full amnesty for Boko Haram members” 6 March 2003 available online at (accessed 27 March 2013)

Obiagwu, C. ‘Why Taylor’s stay is illegal’ Vanguard Newspapers Friday, 5 September 2003 available online at (accessed 11 March 2013)

Office of the Prosecutor’s Report on the activities performed during the first three years (June 2003 – June 2006) 14 September 2006, available online at (accessed 11 March 2013)

Okpi, A. “2013 Budget: Senate demands 100% implementation” Punch Newspapers 24 March 2013 available online at (accessed 27 March 2013)

Onuorah, M. “FEC okays bill on war crimes, genocide, others” The Guardian Newspapers, 31 May 2012 available online at (accessed 13 February 2013)

Onuora, M “Nigeria backs ICC’s efforts to check impunity” Guardian Newspapers 4 July 2012 available online at (accessed 13 February 2013)

Osinuga, O. “Nigeria and the ICC: The Dawn of a new era?” 26 December 2011 available online at (accessed 14 February 2013)

Report of the Review Conference of the ICC, Kampala 31 May – 11 June 2010, Official Records, 109 available online at (accessed 5 March 2013)

Schlein, L. “UN Human Rights Chief Condemns Boko Haram Attacks” 23rd June 2012 and available online at (accessed 13 February 2013)

The Economist “Nigeria’s crisis: A threat to the entire country” 29 September 2012 available online at (accessed 14 February 2013)

Others materials

Adoke, M. “Speech during the Review Conference of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court” Kampala, Uganda 31 May – 11 June 2010

Ladan, M. “Issues in domestic implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in Nigeria” Paper presented at a Round -Table session with Parliamentarians on the Implementation of the Rome Statute in Nigeria organised by the Nigerian Coalition on the International Criminal Court (NCICC), 12 November 2002, National Assembly Complex, Abuja, Nigeria

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