Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court
Advocating the end to impunity for international crimes in Nigeria
What We Do
Our primary objective is to advocate the end to impunity for international crimes in Nigeria through the domestic implementation of the Rome Statute and the enthronement of the rule of law in Nigeria. We achieve this through promoting the understanding and awareness of the Rome Statute of the ICC in Nigeria, bytraining stakeholders on the domestic application of the Statute…

Who We Are
The Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court (NCICC) is a registered civil society organization established in 2002. It is comprised of more than 150 NGOs based in Nigeria including individual activists, human rights defenders and the academia working on justice issues or engaged in the use of international justice mechanisms to promote human rights and the fight against impunity for international crimes…

Did You Know?
There are CSO’s in over 120 countries fighting for global justice for atrocity crimes, and we are one of them.
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