About the ICC

Established: By an international treaty (the Rome Statute), which entered into forced 1 July 2002

States Parties: 124 countries are parties to the Rome Statute (effective as of 1 June). Of these, 34 are from Africa, 19 from the Asia Pacific, 18 from Easter Europe, 28 from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as 25 from Western Europe and North America.

4 Crimes within the Court’s Jurisdiction: The most serious crimes of concern to the international community, namely genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes committed after 1 July 2002, as well as the crime of aggression, which was activated at the Assembly of state Parties of the International Criminal Court in December 2017.

18 judges: Elected for 9 years by the Assembly of States Parties and assigned into Pre=Trial, Trial and Appeal Chambers.

President: Chile Eboe Osuji

Prosecutor: Mrs. Fatou Bensouda

Registrar: Mr Herman van Hebel

800 staff members: From approximately 100 states

6 official languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish

2 working languages: English and French

Headquarters: The Hague, The Netherlands

6 Field Offices: Kinshasa and Bunia (Democratic Republic of Congo “DRC”), Kampala (Uganda), Bangui (Central African Republic “CAR”); Nairobi (Kenya), Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire)

Programme Budget for 2017: 141.6 million Euros

10 Investigations: The office of the Prosecutor is investigating situations in Uganda, the DRC, CAR, CAR II, Darfur (Sudan), Kenya, Libya, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, and Georgia.

10 Preliminary Investigations: The Office of the Prosecutor monitors the situations of Afghanistan, Burundi, Colombia, Gabon, Guinea, Iraq, Nigeria, Palestine, Ukraine, and the Registeres Vessels of Comoros, Greece and Cambodia.

30 Arrest Warrants: 14 warrants have been implemented, and 3 warrants were withdrawn following the death of the suspects.

9 Summons to Appear: All 9 appeared voluntarily before the Court; they are not in custody.


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